Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I thought I'd grow out of it...

Budget: -$680.10

Yes, I decided to be a douche and go back and delete large parts of my first post.

I will be setting out to cross the US on a bike, stopping in the places I pass through and trying to work for a day or two to make the money to continue onward. Because I don't want it stolen, I don't want to take my nice bike. Instead, I want Old Rusty.

The problem is that my current budget is approximately -$700 (yeah, that's a minus sign)1. And I haven't paid taxes yet. That means I need to make over $700 before I even start buying camping equipment in case I'm totally homeless for a while, or the tools I'll need along the way to fix and tune up Old Rusty.

But hey, might as well start practicing now. It's not easy to get a job for one day. Tomorrow, I will try.

1As you can probably tell, I use an artificial zero.

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